The breeze and view was worth the price though.
The Three Sailing Stooges in the town hall cabinet.
I found a few things that were more fun to explore than endless swells...
The first sight of land after 10 days. It normally only takes 5-7, but we hit a few spells of no wind and had to motor along at 2-3knots, and two or three storms that moved us around very quickly, just not in the right direction, ha. I was cold and wet and ready to try out my land legs, but we wouldnt get into port until after midnight, and then we had to stay in quarantine until we could go through customs the next morning. I was giddy and jumping up and down when I first saw land after only 10 days. Theres an 85% chance that I'll explode when we have first sight of the Azores.
The cold rainy afternoon turned into a beautiful sunset, there was even a rainbow on the other side.
The Linda Lee, for Jeff and Linda.
The first sight of St.Georges the next morning. Flowers are everywhere, and every step fills you with their scent. Everything is intense and appreciated, Im reminded of the marathon runner who, when asked why he ran marathons, replied "Because it feels so good to stop running."
Right now I feel the same way about sailing!
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