Monday, June 9, 2008


after US Airways showing me all their tricks in the airport in Charlotte, NC, I finally made it to Charleston. I havent been here in something like 15 years and my memories didnt serve it justice. I like Charleston much better than New Orleans.
Hopefully we'll be leaving on Tuesday, but theres alot of work to be done on the boat. Today I'll be putting on the new anchor chain, all 450 pounds of it, and finishing up the wiring on the water maker.

Ive got a few pics from New Orleans that I'll try and put up later tonight. It may end up being an all nighter work night though, so dont hold your breath!


Kristy Nelson said...

Gay, dont try to be all deep and artistic will everyone knows who you really are. A cow and horse murderer.

Will said...

I was trying for the abstract art with the blood and guts eh?