early morning watches are my favorite. We didnt switch to GMT until we reached the Azores, so until then we were on ADT Bermuda time. It was fun/a little confusing when the sun would rise at 3am. This shot was at 4am. Youve never known true silence until youve been under sail on an Atlantic morning.
and i have no idea why that was underlined, i couldnt change it..
Pointing at the MIDDLE OF THE ATLANTIC!! At first I typed "dead in the middle" but I can see how sailors have so many superstitions... heh

Some days the clothes were wetter coming off the line than going on

So far weve only caught one barracuda (I wanted to eat it, but Mike and David threw it over beore I had the chance. I guess thats a good thing because supposedly they carry some dangerous bacteria or something...Im sure it would have been the best tasting bacteria Ive ever had. Next we caught two Dorado at once. One got off the line, the other got in mah bellie.

LAND!! We saw Corvo on the 21st Day. It normally takes 18 days or so... we had winds on the nose probably 95% of the time. I talked to a guy today who made it in 15 days. But he burned 500 (not a typo) gallons of diesel on a SAILBOAT. And then "Willie", a Scotsman probably in his late 60's, made it in today. He left Bermuda on the 22nd of June. I think we left on the 27th. Willie sailed solo for something like 32 or 33 days, stuck in the Azores high pressure. Says theres something magical about sailing alone. Some days I understand that better than others, haha.
1 comment:
sometimes reading your blog feels like reading excerpts from herman melville or something.
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